For more than twenty years I'd thought it would be fun to organise a gathering of Darians, but hadn't ever taken the idea further. In 2009 however, at the urging of several good friends I decided to go for it……and what a fantastic day it turned out to be!

We were blessed with great weather & a precedent was set with the provision of Agility and Flyball equipment. Plus the gift of a wonderful raffle prize, which raised enough to cover the cost of venue and refreshments. That became a tradition at the hired venue and just illustrates the generosity & family feeling we have among Darian owners.

We only missed one year, 2012, partly because the venue wasn't available on a date to suit the majority (my fault for not booking early enough), but partly because Folly's litter meant I was a stay-at-home with her beautiful puppies at the crucial time. However, 2013 saw Darian Day back on the calendar.

Sadly, some good things must come to an end and 2015 was the last Darian Day, owing to distance (since we moved house) and the difficulty of finding a date to suit. It's such a shame to let the event lapse, but Darian HQ will always welcome Darian Family members individually, even if no longer en masse.

The links below will take you to some great photos of each year's event. Enjoy!


© Darian Border Collies ~ Sheila Gay. All rights reserved.