Pawtails Sunkist Celt for Triplewitch (Imp Aus) x Darian Hearts On Fire
dob 30.12.2009
DNA status: CL/TNS normal by parentage, CEA Clear
owned in partnership with Mrs H Kerr

Jess at 20 months Jess at 20 months Jess at 20 months
Jess at 20 months Jess at 20 months Jess at 20 months
Jess at 20 months Jess at 20 months Jess at 20 months

Jess at 20 months

Jess arrived in Folly & Bear's litter of 5 bitches & 2 dogs and it was clear within a very short space of time that we had some pretty special babies from this mating. We'd decided that if there was a bitch pup we couldn't resist, she would go and live with her father & Hils in Kent. It was rather fun to find there were several irresistible pups in the litter, and not all bitches!

Eventually Jess stood out for both of us and the choice was finalised. Since leaving me, Jess has settled beautifully with Hils & is thriving. I hope to bring you more photos as she grows.

Click on the thumbnails below to see the photos full size.

Jess at 3 weeks
Jess at 20 months Jess at 20 months

Pedigree of Darian Eskimo Jive with Triplewitch

Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great-grandparents
Pawtails Sunkist Celt for Triplewitch (Imp Aus) Aust Ch Monochrome Maestro Aust Ch Torobeam Freddy Fudpucka Aust Gr Ch Maghera Star Collector
Aust Ch Torobeam Mint Gin
Aust Ch Monochrome Majella Aust Ch Tullacrest Thiefa Hearts
Aust Ch Minimbah Liberty
Woombye Sunkist Woombye Samson Shadowlea Sasha
Thistlebrook Black Magic
Woombye Secret Gold Minimbah Secret Agent
Woombye Border Goldie
Darian Hearts On Fire Darian Darqfire Beesting Red Skelton JW Caristan Coming Storm
Beesting Cherry 231262
Darian Saraband Monkfield Matador
Darian Silver Flute
Bilyara Feeling Alive at Darian Sh Ch Claygar Bootsy 'N Snudge Sh Ch & Ir Ch Merrybrook Moriaty JW
Sh Ch Black Booties O'Clan-Abby
Bilyara Whirlwind Romance Sh Ch Miraje The Storm Lord JW
Bilyara Forever In Blue Jeans

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© Darian Border Collies ~ Sheila Gay. All rights reserved.